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For complete information on books including descriptions, cover images, and ordering, go to the Theosophical University Press (TUP) site. TUP is the publishing arm of The Theosophical Society, Pasadena. Contents pages and full-text of virtually all of TUP's printed books, as well as many out-of-print titles and magazine articles, may be viewed at TUP Online.

Theosophical University Press
PO Box C, Pasadena, CA 91109-7107 USA
Voice: (626) 798-3378 Fax: (626) 798-4749
Hours: Mon-Fri 9-4:30 Pacific Time (USA)

Postage from USA is high, but Amazon.com is able to ship most TUP books at a lower rate, while offering a discount on many titles. A list with direct links to all titles is provided below. Be aware that Amazon's "Search Inside" (the book) feature is often missing, or links to books by other publishers.

Theosophical University Press Titles at Amazon

Azlander: Puck in Hell: Second Nature (2018): 978-0-98746-564-1
Bhagavad-Gita with Essays, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-27-1
Bhagavad-Gita with Essays, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-28-8
H. P. Blavatsky to the American Conventions 1888 -1891: CLOTH: 978-0-911500-88-2
H. P. Blavatsky and the SPR: CLOTH: 978-1-55700-117-7
H.P.B.: The Extraordinary Life and Influence of Helena Blavatsky: CLOTH: 978-0-9662115-1-1
H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-79-0
H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-80-6
The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett: CLOTH: 978-0-911500-23-3
Book of the Three Dragons PAPER: 978-1-59360-027-3
The Chalchiuhite Dragon HARDCOVER: 978-0-312-85264-1
The Chalchiuhite Dragon PAPER: 978-0-312-89001-8
Children's Booklist BOOKLET: 64 pages: 978-1-55700-176-4
Colonel Arthur L. Conger BOOKLET: 978-1-55700-139-9
Creator and Creators: Co-Creation with Nature: A Synthesis of Spiritual Philosophy and Science (2018): 978-1-785357-05-3
Dhammapada, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-39-4
Dhammapada, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-40-0
Echoes of the Orient, volume 1: CLOTH: 978-1-55700-195-5
Echoes of the Orient, volume 2: CLOTH: 978-1-55700-196-2
Echoes of the Orient, volume 3:CLOTH: 978-1-55700-197-9
Echoes of the Orient, Cumulative Index: PAPER: 978-1-55700-194-8 (not currently sold by Amazon)
Esoteric Tradition, Single Volume edition, SOFT COVER: ISBN: 978-1-557002-17-4
Esotericism of the Popol Vuh CLOTH: 978-0-911500-13-4
Esotericism of the Popol Vuh SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-14-1
Evolution & Creation: A Theosophic Synthesis, BOOKLET: 978-1-55700-180-1
Expanding Horizons, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-87-5
Expanding Horizons, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-75-2
Expanding Horizons, AUDIOCASSETTE: 978-0911500493
Exploring Theosophy, BOOKLET: 978-1-55700-208-2
Fountain-Source of Occultism, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-70-7
Fountain-Source of Occultism, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-71-4
The Four Sacred Seasons: SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-84-4
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-63-9
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-64-6
Gems From The East: CLOTH: 978-0-911500-12-7
The Gods Await, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-017-0
The Gods Await, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-018-7
Golden Precepts of Esotericism, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-85-1
Golden Precepts of Esotericism, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-86-8
Isis Unveiled, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-02-8
Isis Unveiled, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-03-5
The Key to Theosophy, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-06-6
The Key to Theosophy, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-07-3
Letters That Have Helped Me, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-41-7
Letters That Have Helped Me, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-42-4
Life's Riddle, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-130-6
Light on the Path / Through the Gates of Gold, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-37-0
Light on the Path / Through the Gates of Gold, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-38-7
The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett: SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-21-9
Combined Chronology to The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett: BOOKLET: 978-0-911500-17-2
Man in Evolution: SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-55-4
The Masks of Odin CLOTH: 978-0-911500-72-1
The Masks of Odin SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-73-8
The Mystery Schools CLOTH: 978-1-55700-067-5">
The Mystery Schools SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-066-8
Notes on the Bhagavad Gita, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-81-3
Notes on the Bhagavad Gita, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-82-0
Occult Glossary, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-050-7
Occult Glossary, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-051-4
Once Round The Sun HARDCOVER: 978-0-911500-61-5
The Ocean of Theosophy, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-25-7
The Ocean of Theosophy, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-26-4
The Path of Compassion: SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-69-1
Practical Occultism, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-29-5
Practical Occultism, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-30-1
Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion, and Society SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-025-5
Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-026-2
Sanskrit Pronunciation, BOOKLET and AUDIOCASSETTE: 978-1-55700-021-7
Sanskrit Pronunciation, BOOKLET and CD: 978-1-55700-178-8
The Secret Doctrine, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-001-9
The Secret Doctrine, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-002-6
The Secret Doctrine Index, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-003-3
The Secret Doctrine Index, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-004-0
Secret Doctrine Commentary, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-027-9
Secret Doctrine Commentary, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-028-6
An Invitation to the Secret Doctrine: SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-009-5
Studies in Occult Philosophy, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-52-3
Studies in Occult Philosophy, PAPER: 978-0-911500-53-0
Studies In Occultism, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-08-0
Studies In Occultism, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-09-7
Theosophic Correspondence, Louis Claude de Saint-Martin CLOTH: 978-0-911500-62-2
Theosophy in the Qabbalah, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-183-2
Theosophy in the Qabbalah, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-184-9
Theosophy: The Path of the Mystic, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-33-2
Theosophy: The Path of the Mystic, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-34-9
To Light a Thousand Lamps, CLOTH: 978-1-55700-170-2
To Light a Thousand Lamps, SOFTCOVER: 978-1-55700-171-9
The Voice of the Silence, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-04-2
The Voice of the Silence, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-05-9
The Voice of the Silence, AUDIOBOOK: 978-0-911500-24-0
Wind of the Spirit, CLOTH: 978-0-911500-67-7
Wind of the Spirit, SOFTCOVER: 978-0-911500-68-4

Books by local members of our group in Australia available via Amazon:

Roza and Margarita Riaikkenen: The Laws of Life (2004): This book describes universal laws that govern human life, reveals their active mechanisms and suggests some useful methods and techniques for spiritual evolution.

Gabriele Brunsdon: Azlander: Second Nature (2013): AZLANDER is a fantastical esoteric journey throughout the realms of Faerie, of Hell and the virtual worlds. Snapshots of magic, spiritual insights - telling of the elven Puck who was formerly known as Robin of the Forest and his travels throughout the mortal world today.
“We are such stuff
As dreams are made on and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep . . .”
Shakespeare, The Tempest IV, i.